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Aluminium Energy Efficient Windows

AluK is a leader in the design and manufacture of aluminium windows. Through our continual innovation we have developed some of the most aesthetic and performance driven aluminium windows products available in the UK and across the world.


Simply Choose your perfect window package...

We provide a complete range of aluminium window systems to suit the needs of any project, commercial or residential, providing the flexibility, style and performance that designers are looking for when specifying glazing solutions. Manufactured to the highest standards, our aluminium windows are inherently strong, lightweight and sustainable.

Our unique window profiles have been designed to meet and exceed the performance standards expected in modern building design, whilst also providing the aesthetic appeal designers are looking for. A range of design features and functions enable specifiers to choose the aluminium window system that suits the needs and design of their project, whilst being assured of the quality and performance that is integral to all our innovative building systems.